Powerful coaching is rooted in a trusting relationship.
That’s why my approach centers connection, presence and heart.
I’m always listening for what's important to you emotionally, and where you’re choosing mindsets, goals and actions aligned to your values.
Typical client challenges…
Spiritual development
Health & Wellness
Relationship dynamics
Career shifts
Life transitions
Features used to customized and support your success…
Curated resources designed specifically for you
Assessment tools to foster self awareness and personalization
Holistic and integrative wellness frameworks for body-mind-soul and Spirit
Reflective practices
Embodiment exercises, postures, and gestures
Mantras and affirmations
Forgiveness practice
Imagination, visualization and dreamwork
Art, creativity and play
90 minute session
Package of Sessions
Package of five 60 min sessions
Individual Session
A la cart individual 60 min session
If your primary motivation is to avoid pain, that means you’re fixated on the very things you do not want.
Jessica Lanyadoo, Astrologer & Host of Ghost of a Podcast